Class C++
Mar 11, 2018 at 12:05am UTC
Question: Your class should have functions called void setvalue(int index) and
int getvalue(int index) that allow you to set and get the value in the array
at a given index.
- I am not sure how to implement this one.. Can anyone please help me, thank you.
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class MyArray {
private :
int N;
int * ptr;
public :
// default constructor
MyArray() {
ptr = NULL;
N = 0;
// deletes the array pointed to by "ptr"
delete [] ptr;
// initialisation constructor
MyArray(int n) {
N = n;
ptr = new int [N]; // dynamic memory allocation
// destructor
~MyArray() {
delete ptr; // memory is released
// member functions
int getVal(int i) {
void setVal(int i) {
Mar 11, 2018 at 12:07am UTC
- I tried this, but i believe that it is not the way to do it.
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int getVal(int i) {
return ptr[i];
void setVal(int i) {
Mar 11, 2018 at 3:13am UTC
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#include <cstddef>
class MyArray {
private :
// default member initialisers
std::size_t size = 0 ;
int * ptr = nullptr ;
public :
MyArray() = default ; // initialise using default member initialisers
MyArray( std::size_t n ) : size(n), ptr( new int [size]{} ) {} ;
~MyArray() { delete [] ptr ; } // *** note: delete[]
MyArray( const MyArray& ) = delete ; // non-copyable
MyArray& operator = ( const MyArray& ) = delete ; // non-assignable
int getVal( std::size_t pos ) const {
if ( pos < size ) return ptr[pos] ;
else /* error: pos is out of bounds */ return 0 ;
void setVal( std::size_t pos, int value ) {
if ( pos < size ) ptr[pos] = value ;
else ; // error: pos is out of bounds: do nothing
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