Hey guys first off please bare with me the code is quite long but I will note that the error occurs in the initAge function so most of the code you can ignore its the initAge function that is giving me the problems,it is telling me I have an undefined reference,I'm not sure why I'm getting this error
I have been working on a calender project for the last 3 hours and have can't seem to figure this out I've never really experienced this issue before
obj\Release\main.o:main.cpp:(.text.startup+0x251)||undefined reference to `Dates::initAge(Dates::Date&)'|
ALL of your non-class functions need the Dates:: qualifier.
All of those functions are being implemented inside the Dates namespace in that source file so they shouldn't need to be fully qualified. They will however need to be fully qualified in the main.cpp since there is no using statements for those functions in that source file.