Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 hours

Has anyone used this book? I just got it and when I klick on the tab to go to borlands site to register it takes me to "Emarcadero Technologies" site. No Borland anything to get my rigistration and key info. Any help. This is my first post and am a beginner. Thanks. Mike.
I do use this book but have not registered it personally. Have you tried That's the site on the back of the book. Anyway good luck on your programming future although don't try to cram each session into one hour as the book would lead you to do. Take your time and make sure you understand everything thoroughly.
I tried that site and that didnt help. Do you use the compiler on the disk or another one? Sure would like to get sarted on this. Mike.
You got a disc? That wasn't included with mine. You must have a different version than mine. If you are looking for a compiler there are many out there. I personally use Bloodshed Dev C++. It's an IDE actually but it compiles (as most IDEs do). I think mine is the 6th edition...
Go get something like VC++. I you want to use Dev C++, get wxDev C++, since it is actually updated.
I tried to download this one also and it told me I had to be on line to download it and I was.
Does anyone use Micro Soft C++ (or is it visual C++) compiler. If so what do you think. Mike.
Does the C++ For Dummies book have a disk with a compiler?
I wouldn't say the book is trash. It covers C++ from the beginning steps to more advanced techniques. It also has questions and excersises that help practice. I've always prefered books over online stuff but that could do with my slow connection availability.
Any book that has the words "Learn C++" and "in 24 hours" in it are trash.
Don't think about the Thinking in C++ book.some context on that book are now outdated.
There are lots of new things added to the C++ from the time that I had used borland turbo C++
3.0 old 16-bit shitt.

Yes as the above ppl told you download mingw gcc and dev C++ IDE.

another idea is download the knoppix live CD. Burn the iso image to a CD and boot with it.
then you got a free developer environment. Not only the C++ compile and toolchain,you'll
get the linux experience and it's a complete programmer friendly environment. Suppose that
you want to program with glut(OPENGL) then the helder files and libraries are already installed

So drop the idea of turbo C++ 3.0 comming with that book.C++ is more than just turbo C++ 3.0v.
Well. Just to let everyone know I downloaded the wxDevC++ IDE succesfully and my spirits have been lifted. Thank you for everyones help. This forum that I just enrolled in on thurdady is awsome. Now we can finally end this thread. But juist a warning to everyone. Im and electrician and machinist by trade that wants to learn C++ so your all in big trouble now.

By the way is ther a Dev C++ Thread on this forum or do I just ask away? Thanks. Mike?

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Just ask away :) I'm using Dev C++ aswell.
Ewww, Dev-C++ is shit. Use Visual Studio.
It's pass 24 hours, some people here must have learned C++ already from scratch.
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