| My name is Cai Penghui, I am from
| China. This is the first time I learn
| cplusplus, and this is my first entry
| program. Welcome to help me find out
| what the problem is, and help me to
| modify. Thank you very much! I do not
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| 2473779815@qq.com
int main()
double c = 3.214;
std::cout<<"c"= <<c;
return 0;
Nuts. Yes, that too. That'll teach me! The point I meant to make with that was that the std::endl is something fed to the std::cout using the << operator ; should have paid more attention to the code!
I see we've all been reported. OP throwing a tantrum, or some other joker?
I'm just a beginner. We are not the same time with you in China ah. We are in the evening, you morning. I'm tired now There may be a problem with the double definition.