So I created a new project, and a typical "Hello World" pop up and I click run, it works. But, when I change the Hello world to something else, and hit build, an error message pop up "expected initializer before 'int'".
2, Is this just bad install or I set up a new project wrong or what.
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#include <iostream>
Using namespace std
int math (int x, int y, int z)
int main() // This line is where the error meaasge point me to.
cout << int math << endl;
return 0;
int math(int x, int y, int z)
int math = (a+b)/c;
return math;
Line 4: missing the semi colon after the function.
Line 8: To use the function, you have to do something like math(10,2,5) since it takes 3 parameters.