
Hi Guys :)

what book(s) do you think everyone who is developing C++ should read?

thanks :)
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Should I buy one book, or several?

What books should I buy (or not buy)?
bugger!!! :( my reply didn't save!!

well one more time

I have few books already
1. Object orientated programming in C++ this is old book but it gives tons of examples apart from some stuff is outdated its great
2. Mr Stroustrup Programming principles and Practice in C++ 2nd edition - great but missing some code and makes it harder to follow examples.
3. Design Patterns by Freeman and Robson - did't read that yet.
plus few more

someone recommended this book <- link to amazon
but its old. Question is does it make sense to buy such book?
I think dietal and dietal is all the time a best book for beginners. Because it will teach you from every aspect of c++.
> 2. Mr Stroustrup Programming principles and Practice in C++ 2nd edition -
> great but missing some code and makes it harder to follow examples.

See: 'Supporting material' and 'Supporting code' at
JLBorges thank you :)
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