output display incorrectly issue

the amount display were incorrect
as equation "else tp=1029.98;" did not work

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main ()
double tp,nt,tap;
char ct;

cout<<"Please enter the class and the number of tickets you wish to buy: ";

if (ct=='E'||'e')


cout<<"Total amount payable is : $"<<tap<<"\n";

return 0;
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The || operator takes two boolean values and returns true if at least one of them is true.

'e' is not a bool, it's a char. In this situation it will be treated as true because it's a non-zero value. This means ct=='E'||'e' is equivalent to ct=='E'||true which will always evaluate to true.

To make it work you need to write the if statement as if (ct=='E'||ct=='e').

Another option is to make use of the std::toupper (or std::tolower) function. if (toupper(ct) == 'E')
Thank you! This is real helpful to me!
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