void refVarFunc(int1 &Num1, int num2)
for (int1=0;i<5;i++)
num2 +=2;
int x = 10, y =2;
return 0;
The values are x=15 and y =2
The thing is I don't where these values came from.
Where did x get the 15 from and shouldn't y be 4 since it adds by 2?
What is on the first line of the code that you did post?
void refVarFunc(int &Num1, int num2)
x = 15 (in main) because x = 10 is passed by reference, and then it is incremented by 1 by 5 times.
y = 2 (in main) because y is passed by value and not passed by reference
I get it now. Thanks so much!