vector function to assign value to an element?
Apr 18, 2017 at 9:39pm UTC
I am looking for vector function that assigns a value to an element, and if the vector is too short, the vector is extended to the element's position.
I did not find such a function at but maybe I missed something.
I could use a function something like:
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vector::assignElement(unsigned int position, unsigned int val)
if (position >= size())
this .resize(position+1);
this .[position] = val;
The above function is probably has syntax errors.
Someone must have done this before, seems like there would be many uses for such a function.
How would I find such a vector function?
Thank you.
Apr 18, 2017 at 9:53pm UTC
Apr 18, 2017 at 10:03pm UTC
std::vector doesn't have such a function so you would have to write your own.
Apr 19, 2017 at 1:03am UTC
Thanks Peter87.
Here is my assignElement() function in action:
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#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct Map
unsigned int mat=32;
unsigned int row=32;
unsigned int col=32;
struct Row
std::string scanner;
std::string pin;
std::vector<Map> vLayoutToKeyMatrix;
struct RowInv
std::vector<Map> vKeyMatrixToLayout;
struct Matrix
std::vector<Row> vRows;
std::vector<RowInv> vRowsInv;
void assignElement(std::vector<Map>& vKeyMatrixToLayout, unsigned int position, unsigned int val)
if (position >= vKeyMatrixToLayout.size())
vKeyMatrixToLayout[position].col = val;
std::vector<Matrix> vMatrices;
void print_vRowsInv()
std::cout << "vRowsInv contains:" ;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<vMatrices[0].vRowsInv[0].vKeyMatrixToLayout.size();i++)
std::cout << " " << vMatrices[0].vRowsInv[0].vKeyMatrixToLayout[i].col;
std::cout << '\n' ;
int main()
//instantiate vRows
//instantiate vRowsInv
//test assignElement()
assignElement(vMatrices[0].vRowsInv[0].vKeyMatrixToLayout, 4, 9);
1 2
vRowsInv contains: 32 32
vRowsInv contains: 32 32 32 32 9
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