Hey all, So currently, I am trying to create a bool function, passing in two-dimensional array and the size. This function will generate a random row/ column position and then attempt to place an enum at that row-column position on the board. However, I am really stuck on what to do. I have my arrays and my random number generator, but I don't know how to go about combining them to place data inside random arrays without repeating them.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
// How do I generate a random position here and add data, then
//return (true or false) so that if it is false (There is already data in that position),
// randomize location again and try to place data on that position
//numberOfMines is user input so that it will only try to put data x amount of time
//(between 5-10)
bool checkMine(Symbols symbolArr[][COLS], int size, int numberOfMines);
Any help would be appreciated. I am completely lost.
To choose a random location in an NROWSxNCOLS grid, either:
a. randomly choose a row in [ 0, NROWS-1 ] and a column in [ 0, NCOLS-1 ] or
b. choose a single random position from [ 0, NROWS*NCOLS-1 ] (and compute its row and col)
I am new to c plus plus so idon't understand most of whats going on in that code. I am trying to create a bool function, passing in two-dimensional array and the size. This function will generate a random row/ column position and then attempt to place an enum at that row-column position on the board.