A coding noob trudging through his first attempt at programming with the help of Stephen Prata's "C++ Primer Plus" here.
While working on an exercise, I've encountered the following situation: I've got a while loop that should end after I've filled up the array but it allows me to input one more value. This is an array of 5 ints and it outputs 5 ints, but while inputting, I can enter 6.
Why is that? Is there a mistake in the way I've formulated the while condition?
Your second while loop is correct. The first one is not.
Compare your two while loops and look at the differences.
Line 10: Why are you doing a cin of donation[0] before the while loop?
Line 13: Why are you incrementing entry here? This is going to cause you to store donations[1] through donations[5]. donations[5] is out of bounds. The entries in your array are [0] - [4].
Hello everybody! This is my first time here :). I'm a beginner, 1st year in college/C++. I have this homework to get done.In the bottom of the page I attached what I tried to do.
I don't understand what the teacher is asking for. I'm confused... please give me a hint. thank you
"Write a C++ program that performs the following functions.
1) Part 1: Using the WHILE command. Start with a Message consisting of “***** Part 1: WHILE command *****”.
a. Displays the same message (Message #1) for ten (10) times.Set the number of times to be printed as a variable so I can change it when I test your program.
i. You define the message but define a message variable so that the message can be changed in ONE (1) place in the program.
b. Display a second message (Message #2) when the number of times that you have displayed message #1 is ONLY ODD.
i. Do not test for specific values (1, 3 etc).
ii. Do NOT display the message if the number of times that you display Message #1 is NOT odd.
c. Display a third message (Message #3) when Message #1 is ONE (1) less than its maximum number of times to be displayed.
i. You must not use a specific value or number for testing. That is, do not test for Value=9.
d. Display a fourth message (Message #4) when Message #1 is set to be processed (displayed) but has not yet processed.
i. That is, display Message #4 before the final Message #1.
e. Control the message output by putting the messages in GROUPs separated by a SINGLE line between groups.
i. A group is when your “Message counting variable” is the same value. A new group is when the “Message counting variable” changes value.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Program-specific constants
const string While_Message = "***** Part 1: WHILE command *****\n";
const string Message_1 = "This is a message specified in the program.\n";
const string Message_2 = "This should display only after odd numbers.\n";
const string Message_3 = "This should display only one before the last message.\n";
const string Message_4 = "This should display immediately before the final Message_1\n";
const string Message_Separator = "----------\n";
// Counting variable
int i;
int value; // Value to display
// While loop
cout << While_Message;
cout << " How many time you want the messege to be printed ?" << " Enter times: ";
cin >> value;
i = 1;
while (i <= value ) {
if (i == value) {
// Only display immediately before the final message
cout << Message_4;
cout << Message_1;
if (i % 2 == 1) {
// Only display after odd numbered messages
cout << Message_2;
if (i == value - 1) {
// Only display when the current number is one less than the maximum
cout << Message_3;
cout << Message_Separator;