Need information on variable TYPES

Greetings, first post.

I am teaching myself C++ and learning from the tutorial on this site primarily.

When I look at code examples from other sources, the one thing that troubles me is variables that I do not know. For example: TCHAR, or LPSTR. Such types are not covered in the tutorial on this site (to my knowledge).

Can anyone suggest a source from which I could learn all of the types of variables?
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TCHAR and LPCSTR are not C++ built-in types.
Examine the code and you should find a typedef such as the following:
typedef const char * LPCSTR;  // Long (32 bit) Pointer to a Const STRing 

A typedef allows you to define a name for another data type.

TCHAR and LPCSTR are commonly found in <windows.h> (or one of the hearders included by <windows.h>)

See this link for TCHAR:
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Thank you for the reply, AbstractionAnon.

Still, I seek the most efficient way of knowing all variable types, the space they occupy in memory, and their uses, etc. (though I am a n00b and this may be an implausible desire)

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this may be an implausible desire

it's rather commendable actually, well done!
Why did you delete my last post? Was it because I bashed the education system, or because I used the C-word?

Anyway, this is the solution I was looking for:
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