which compiler

I am learning C++ nowadays. I think it is time to start writing code. (i was learning on a phone app by reading only, not my pc)

What should I do to write C++ code on my computer. I write it on a compiler? Where can I download a free and good one? Is that all I need?

My computer uses Windows 10
I recommend Visual Studio 2015 CE.

There is also a newer version 2017, but I have not used it yet.
Visual Studio 2013 or Above Community Edition
Visual Studio is certainly good but if you want a 'lighter' IDE that is also quite C++14 compliant then take a look at: http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads
And if you're looking for just the complier then here: https://nuwen.net/
Windows 10, go for Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/

In the installer, select 'Desktop Development with C++'

In the summary pane on the right, select both:
'VC++ 2017 v141 toolset' (the microsoft compiler and tool-chain ) and
'Clang/C2' (the clang++ frontend)

That is all that you need. For a light download and installation, uncheck everything else.
(You can add things - eg. the standard library as a set of modules or CMake - later if you feel the need for it.)
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