i want to design a program of temperature converter.
Here is my pseudo code
Pseudo-code representation
1.0 START.
2.0 DISPLAY MENU :Please choose the type of converter
1.Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
2. Fahrenheit to Celsius converter
3.0 INPUT Type of converter: 1 OR 2
4.0 IF (1.Celsius to Fahrenheit converter)
5.0 READ the ℃_Celsius
6.0 ℉_Fahrenheit = 32+℃_Celsius (180.0/100.0)
7.0 PRINT ℃_Celsius =℉_Fahrenheit
8.0 END IF
9.0 IF NOT
10.0 IF (Fahrenheit to Celsius converter)
11.0 READ the ℉_Fahrenheit
12.0 ℃_Celsius =(℉_Fahrenheit-32)(100.0/180.0)
13.0 PRINT ℉_Fahrenheit= ℃_Celsius
15.0 DISPLAY MENU Continue to convert or not
16.0 IF( Continue)
17.0 RETURN to step 2.0
18.0 IF NOT
19.0 END
About step 17, what function should i use to return to step 2.0?
please state more specific. I already complete the whole program except the command to make it go back to step 2.0.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
float temp,ctemp;//temp =celsius, ctemp=fahrenheit
int ch,tch;//ch=choice of converter, tch = choice of continue
void c1rscr();
cout<<"Temperature Conversion Menu\n";
cout<<"\t1. Fahrenheit to Celsius\n";
cout<<"\t2. Celsius to Fahrenheit\n";
cout<<"Enter your choice(1/2):";
printf("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit:");
printf("Temperature in celsius is%f",temp);
} else
printf("Enter Temperature in Celsius");
printf("Temperature in Fahrenheit is %f",ctemp);
} else
printf("Wrong choice........!!");
return 11 ;
printf("Continue to convert or not:\n");
printf("\t1.continue \n");
printf("\t2.do not continue \n");
cout<<"Enter your choice(1/2):";
Lines [45, 49] can be removed completely.
Line 9 declares an unused function and can be removed.
Use std::cout and std::cin consistently. Do not mix C and C++-style IO. This can result in bugs on some nonconforming implementations.
If you choose to use or mix C-style IO instead of C++-style IO, do not include the C header file, but rather the C++ extensionless version, <cstdio> instead of <stdio.h>.
Do not include <conio.h>. It doesn't exist as a part of standard C++.
Properly indent your code.
Use better names than temp, ctemp, and so on. Why not fahrenheit and celsius? choice, to_continue?
Do not import the entire standard namespace. I just posted something about it: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/209087/#msg984016