Help with structures

Okay so I have a c++ project due soon involving structures. I'm trying to sort an array of structures in increasing sales using the bubble sort but I keep getting errors that say things like 'expected unqualified id before '.' token'. Here is my code so far:

int main()
struct Products
int productID, quantitySold;
double unitPrice, productSales;

const int size = 15;
int i, j;

Products productArray[size] = {
{1, 120, 3.99, 478.80},
{2, 649, 1.29, 837.21},
{3, 76, 6.47, 491.72},
{4, 103, 2.99, 307.97},
{5, 89, 5.89, 524.21},
{6, 135, 2.53, 341.55},
{7, 291, 2.17, 631.47},
{8, 242, 1.99, 481.58},
{9, 97, 4.67, 452.99},
{10, 453, 0.99, 448.47},
{11, 200, 2.45, 490},
{12, 56, 7.83, 438.48},
{13, 114, 2.70, 307.80},
{14, 128, 2.59, 331.52},
{15, 81, 6.99, 566.19},
struct tempProducts
int a,b;
double c,d;

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
for(j = i + 1; j <= size; j++)
if(productArray[i].productSales > productArray[j].productSales)
tempProducts.a = productArray[i].productID;
tempProducts.b = productArray[i].quantitySold;
tempProducts.c = productArray[i].unitPrice;
tempProducts.d = productArray[i].productSales;
productArray[i].productID = productArray[j].productID;
productArray[i].quantitySold = productArray[j].quantitySold;
productArray[i].unitPrice = productArray[j].unitPrice;
productArray[i].productSales = productArray[j].productSales;
productArray[j].productID = tempProducts.a;
productArray[j].quantitySold = tempProducts.b;
productArray[j].unitPrice = tempProducts.c;
productArray[j].productSales = tempProducts.d;

return 0;

Can anyone help me?
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Please use code tags when posting code.

Please post the complete error messages exactly as they appear in your development environment.

Do you know you can "swap" a whole structure at one time?

What is the purpose of the tempProducts structure? Why not just use the Products structure? By the way you define a tempProducts structure but you never create an instance of that structure.

Line 41-44: tempProducts is a type name, not an instance. You can't store into a type name.

In fact, you don't even need to declare tempProducts since it is the same as products. You can create a much simpler program:
    Products temp;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
    {   for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++)  // Changed <= to <
        {   if(productArray[i].productSales > productArray[j].productSales)
            {   temp = productArray[i];    
                productArray[i] = productArray[j];
                productArray[j] = temp;

You're going to cause an out of bounds condition at line 33:
for(j = i + 1; j <= size; j++)
{  if (productArray[i].productSales > productArray[j].productSales)

j goes from 1 to 15, but the only valid occurrences are 0-14.

PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) when posting code.
It makes it easier to read your code and also easier to respond to your post.
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