Help!!! Number Problem!

Hello everyone,

Can anyone please help to resolve this problem. I am just starting in C++. Was given this problem. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do it the fast way.
First, apply operator ( ) and only once;
Apply r + - * / to complete the equation with =;
Display the full equation with the operators applied;

For example, suppose 4 numbers 120 30 4 1 entered by the user, then the output can
be displayed as
(120 / 30 ) / 4 = 1
A couple of testing numbers are applied as below.

Four numbers: 53 26 3 9 Equation: 53 = 26 + (3 * 9 )
Four numbers: 100 5 5 4 Equation: 100 / (5 * 5) = 4

Any help will be much appreciated.

> I am just starting in C++. Was given this problem.

If you are just starting with programming (you have not programmed in some other language earlier), you should set this problem aside for now; you can attempt to solve it after some time.
We don't do homework here, if you need help, post some code.
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