Line 5: Extraneous " on #include
Line 8: Although not an error, this using is unnecessary, since you've already brought in the entire std namespace on the previous line.
Line 30-31: You have no setName() or setAddress() functions in your class declaration. In addition, Name and Address are empty at this point.
Line 39: Customer has not getName() function.
Line 48: Customer has no getAddress() function,. In addition, you never stored the address into the Customer instance.
Line 67-68: What's the point of this question, since you don;t do anything with the answer?
Lines 84-90: While not a compilation error, you assume the customer will always order 3 items.
Line 93: Extraneous } This terminates main().
Lines 94-95: What's the point of this question? You don;t do anything with the response.
Line 6: Not a good idea for
using namestd std;
in a header file.
Line 7: No reason for this using as you've already brought in the entire std:: namespace on the previous line. Best practice is to qualify all string references with std:: in your header file rather than forcing in the entire std:: namespace.
Lines 9-10: These should be at the top of the file. No reason to read the iostream and string headers again if customer.h has already been included.
Line 20: No getters or setters declared.
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