Creating random coordinates

Pages: 12
rand() is much closer to being uniformly distributed than random_d().

random_d() is more likely to return a value above 0 than it is to return a value below 0.

// Why not 50?
if((rand() % 100) >= 65) a = (-a);

Some type of values are also much more likely than others.

// Why make the precision random? It makes
// a value with less significant digits more 
// likely (e.g. 0.1 is more likely than 0.12)
int n = (rand() % 12) + 1;
if((rand() % 100) >= 95) n = 1;
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> // Why not 50?
If it was exactly 50::50, more negative numbers would be generated than positive numbers.

Edit : I tested that quite carefully.
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@closed account 5a8Ym39o6 (310)

I seriously think you are trolling, you continue to push your solution just to provoke comment.
And explain why do you need to pursue me like that?
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Hello everyone,

I am very new to c++. And, I need to create random cordinates. I need to have my coordinate must lie with in -1<x<1 and -1<y<1. Can anyone please help me in solving the issue? I am very beginner in c++. Help be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

As page 3 looms, I wonder whether Muon444 is any the wiser. :)
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Pages: 12