help with records

Write your question here.we been ask by our professor to create a program using records .to perform an array 10x10 col&rows.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

struct politician_struct
char sur_name[15];
char last_name[15];
char first_name[15];
char party_list;
char current_position[20];
char department[15];
char educ_attainment;
float annual_salary;
int saln;
char known_as;
char religion;
char implemented_law;

int main()
politician_struct politician[15];

const int size=30;

int i = 0;
ifstream inFile;"sampledata.txt");

for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)

inFile >> politician[i].sur_name >> politician[i].last_name >> politician[i].first_name >> politician[i].party_list >> politician[i].current_position >> politician[i].department>> politician[i].educ_attainment>> politician[i].annual_salary
;politician[i].saln ; politician[i].known_as ; politician[i].religion ; politician[i].implemented_law;



return 0;
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;politician[i].saln ; politician[i].known_as ; politician[i].religion ; politician[i].implemented_law;

That looks wrong to me. I assume you intend to keep reading the record, which means these lines should be:
politician[i].annual_salary >> politician[i].saln >> politician[i].known_as >> politician[i].religion >> politician[i].implemented_law;
Last edited on
Line 27: You only allocate 15 elements for your politician array.

Line 36: You're attempting to read up to 50 records into your politician array. This will cause an out of bounds reference if there are more than 15 entries in your file.

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