
hi everyone
i have a problem with this code
its run and show error text when i enter zero but if i again enter zero isnt work
i want to write a code like this and everytime i enter zero gets this code{ const ex error_zero("value is zero"); } without closing program.
my language is not english.
sorry about mistakes.


using namespace std;

class ex :public exception
const char* mas;
ex(char const *mas)throw() :mas(mas) {}
char const *what()throw() { return mas; }

const ex error_zero("value is zero");

int get() {
int value;
cin >> value;
if (value == 0) {
throw error_zero;

return value;

int main() {
try {

catch (ex & e)

cout << "ERROR : " << e.what() << endl;


return 0;

[/ code]
i enter zero but if i again enter zero isnt work

In your catch block, you're calling get() again, but you're not within the range of a try block. Therefore, the catch handler won't be called again.

Please use code tags correctly. The closing code tag should NOT have a space in it.

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