Interdependent classes

[Hi, let me describe briefly a problem.
I have the following two classes A and B, defined in two header files Afile.h and Bfile.h respectively:]

class A
friend B::B(A a);

class B
B(A a) { .... }

[The constructor of B is a friend of A so that it can access the private members of A.
If I include these files in main.cpp file by means of the directives]

#include "Afile.h"
#include "Bfile.h"

[it clearly does not compile because class A needs the definition of class B.
Similarly, if I put in main.cpp:]

#include "Bfile.h"
#include "Afile.h"

[it does not compile because B class needs the definition of A class.

Then, I put the declaration of B in Afile.h:]

class B;
class A
friend B:B(A a);

[and the following directives in main.cpp file:]

#include "Afile.h"
#include "Bfile.h"

[but it still does not compile and I get
error C2027: use of undefined type 'B'.

What's wrong and how can I fix the problem?]

closed account (48T7M4Gy)

Might help?
@kemort - A good suggestion, but a forward declaration is not going to help as written, since the compiler needs the full declaration of each type to process each class declaration. The OP tried that.
class B;  // forward
class A
{ ...

@OP - The only way around this is to use a construct that does not require the full declaration of each class to compile the other class declaration. This typically means declaring one class forward then using a pointer to that class since a pointer does not need a fully specified type at declaration time.
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I'm studying the problem carefully based on your suggestions.
Thank you to both of you.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
And that's exactly what the article says. Well done. Well (mis)read. Thanks for your approval, where would I be without it?
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