Line 59: You're not making a function call to calcAvgScore (). You're going to print the address of the function.
Line 23: Why the for loop since the loop will execute only once?
Lines 27,33,39,45,51: You check if the score is valid, and output a message if it's not valid, then proceed on to the next score as if the score was valid.
You have a lot of redundant code that could easily be eliminated with a function call.
Line 59: This is printing the address of the calcAvgScore function instead of calling it and printing the result. That's one of the big pitfalls of C++ for beginners: it's easy to enter legal syntax that doesn't something completely different from what you expect. The correct syntax is: cout << " Your avg score is: " << calcAvgScore(score1, score2, score3, score4, score5) << endl;
Line 7. This won't quite give you the right answer. Although you've correctly defined avg as a float instead of an int, the expression on the right side of the '=' is an integer expression. So the program will add up the 5 scores, divide by 5, truncate the result to an integer, convert the integer to a float and assign that to avg.
The easiest way to fix this is to change the 5 to a floating point value. That will force the division to done in floating point, with a floating point result:
ok i have undefined contestants to answer the first question about the loop. I kinda get where you say I am not calling calcAvgScore but that is confusing the way you output it, could you write it more readable for the n00b? this is actually just the start I have to do this with highest and lowest got any pointers on this?
3. Use function calcAvgScore that has the contestant’s 5 scores as input parameters
a. returns the average score for that contestant.
b. Calls two functions, findLowest and findHighest which both accept the 5 scores as input parameters and return the lowest and highest scores, respectively.