clang 3.7 link failure


After downloading cygwin, clang and make, I am testing if the configuration works. I have written a "Hello world" C++ program and a make file to test this.

Compilation with clang 3.7 succeeds.

Linking fails with error:

hello.o: undefined reference to ios_base::Init::Init()

What could be the problem? How can I diagnose it?

my first guess would be some missing libraries...

anyways a quick google search got me this
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Use clang++
Actually, I think there are some missing libraries too.

How can I re-download the cygwin configuration onto my PC? If I try to re-download it now using cygwin's setup, it just tells me everything's already been done. I'd like to _force_ a re-download.

Also, how can I check / verify the current configuration?

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Try uninstalling clang++ and dependencies and then reinstalling clang++.
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