line 32: cin is a really bad name for your input file stream. cin is defined in the standard library as the terminal input file. Yes, your local definition takes precedence, but it is very confusing to the reader.
line 34: You appear to be discarding the first record. from the file. For what reason is not clear.
You don;t check that this read was successful. Whatever you read is going to be overlaid by the next line. If the first record has column names, this read will probably set the fail bit for the file since you be attempting to read a column heading (alpha) into a numeric field . e.g. emplyeeid.
Line 35: If line 34 set the fail bit, this read will never succeed.
line 68-69: This for loop will output "Enter last name" n times, where n is the number of records read from the file. Many more for loops with this problem.
Lots more problems, but without code tags, I'm not going to respond further.
Please show us the format of your input file.
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