Question regarding file reading

A problem I'm doing is asking me to create a concordance with binary search trees. I've got it working and everything is done minus one part I can't seem to find info on. It's also asking me to count line numbers, which I would imagine is just keeping track of '\n' and incrementing the line number. A lot of the searches I'm coming up with are asking to ignore \n but I can't seem to find a post where people want to keep it. Maybe I'm asking the question wrong?
I'm currently using:

  while (File >> oneWord){
          //lowercase it
          //insert into BST 

Is it possible to track the newlines with the way I've chosen to read in words? Or is getline the better option for this type of thing?
Thank you.
The >> skips newlines and other whitespace characters. The easiest way is probably to use std::getline as you said. Then you can use std::istringstream to read each word on each line.
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