Pointers with 2d arrays ......


Comeplete program for the pic please
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We didn't see your attempts to solve this problem yourself and so we cannot correct mistakes you didn't made and answer questions you didn't ask. To get help you should do something yourself and get real problems with something. If your problem is "I don't understand a thing", then you should go back to basics and study again.
Thats the problem . Our teacher didnt teach us how to swap 2d arrays to a function . So i googled it and didnt understand how it works . I have been trying to code it for 4 hours

My try is in the next replay

Ps : in my country we still coding with borland c++ . So dont judge xD

Sorry for my stupid english
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Osaid wrote:
Comeplete program for the pic please

Ok, done.

Oh, you want me to post the code so you don't have to do your homework?

Not going to happen.

main ()
{int m[3][3];
srand(time(0)) ;
for (int i=0;i<=2;i++){
for (int j=0;j<=2;j++)
{m[i][j]=(rand()% 10) ;} }
void modify(int m) ;
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void modify(int p[3][3]){
for(int a=0 ; a<=2 ; a++)
for(int b=0 ; b<=2 ; b++)
if (p[a][b]%2==0)
p[a][b]=p[a][b]*2 ;

void row_sum(int p);
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void row_sum(int q[3][3])
int n[3] ;

for (int l=0 ; l<=2 ; l++)
n[l]= q[l][0] + q[l][1] + q[l][2] ;

for (int h=0 ; h<=2 ; h++)
cout<<n[h]<<endl ; }
@ Osaid,

Does the code supposed to work like the link below?

You may want to take a look at the array tutorial:
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