How to convert this to use functions, instead of hard code
Apr 12, 2016 at 2:07pm UTC
How would I go about converting the follow code from a former project, into a system that imports information from the hard drive? (I.E Read the txt files that the user writes)I understand I'll need to use fstream. However, how do I go about doing this?
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char choice;
do {
cout << "Main Menu" << endl;
cout << "What would you like to read about?" << endl;
cout << "1. PLACEHOLDER" << endl;
cout << "2. PLACEHOLDER" << endl;
cout << "3. PLACEHOLDER" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice=='1' ) {
cout << "PLACEHOLDER" << endl;
} else if (choice=='2' ) {
cout << "PLACEHOLDER" << endl;
} else if (choice=='3' ) {
cout << "PLACEHOLDER" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Do you want to read up on another topic?" << endl;
cout << "Press y if you wish to read more, or n if you wish to exit" << endl;
cin >> choice;
while (choice != 'n' );
return 0;
Apr 12, 2016 at 5:43pm UTC
Something like this?
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void display_file (string subject)
{ string line;
subject += ".txt" ;
ifstream fin (subject.c_str());
while (getline (fin, line))
cout << line << endl;
int main()
{ int choice;
while (true )
{ cout << "Main Menu" << endl;
cout << "What would you like to read about?" << endl;
cout << "1. Subject 1" << endl;
cout << "2. Subject 2" << endl;
cout << "3. Subject 3" << endl;
cout << "4. Exit" << endl;
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
display_file ("subject1" );
break ;
case 2:
display_file ("subject2" );
break ;
case 3:
display_file ("subject3" );
break ;
case 4:
return 0;
default :
cout << "Invalid choice" << endl;
cout << "Do you want to read up on another topic?" << endl;
return 0;
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