Hi all,
I'm currently trying to write a piece of code that gives the number of Latin squares from a formula that was found. One part of the code requires to generate all [0,1] n x n matrices for the given number n, and I have managed to get a bit of code for this. One bit it needs to do for all these values however is then calculate the permanent of each of these matrices.
In doing some research, I managed to find some code that calculates the permanent, which does so by using Ryser's formula. Whilst I understand most of the code, I am unaware how to get or test this code, and I cannot get a vector to work.
For now, I just want to either declare a vector/ n x n matrix in the code and it calculate this permanent, or I enter a vector as a string and it does the same result.
The code is split into two parts (for reference you can check
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inline int* dec2binarr(long n, int dim)
// note: res[dim] will save the sum res[0]+...+res[dim-1]
int* res = (int*)calloc(dim + 1, sizeof(int));
int pos = dim - 1;
// note: this will crash if dim < log_2(n)...
while (n > 0)
res[pos] = n % 2;
res[dim] += res[pos];
n = n / 2; // integer division
return res;
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long per(int* A, int n) // expects n by n matrix encoded as vector
long sum = 0;
long rowsumprod, rowsum;
int* chi = new int[n + 1];
double C = (double)pow((double)2, n);
// loop all 2^n submatrices of A
for (int k = 1; k < C; k++)
rowsumprod = 1;
chi = dec2binarr(k, n); // characteristic vector
// loop columns of submatrix #k
for (int m = 0; m < n; m++)
rowsum = 0;
// loop rows and compute rowsum
for (int p = 0; p < n; p++)
rowsum += chi[p] * A[m * n + p];
// update product of rowsums
rowsumprod *= rowsum;
// (optional -- use for sparse matrices)
// if (rowsumprod == 0) break;
sum += (long)pow((double)-1, n - chi[n]) * rowsumprod;
return sum;
I have tried various things in the main, but I am still very new to C++ and don't know how to implement this particular code.
As some background, I am learning C++ as an extension to my maths course, and am just doing this to further my studies. This is a topic we are studying in our group project, and seemed like a perfect project for me to learn, and I learn better from having a task.