My goal is to create a program that generates 10,000 random numbers between 0 and 25 and outputs the smallest number. I feel like I'm on the right track but need help. I believe the way I have it now might be giving me the first number generated, not necessarily smallest:
Thanks for the help, coder777. Out of curiosity, how might I rearrange this program if I wanted the largest integer along with the smallest? Would it be something like:
1. Loop from 0 to 10000 (inclusive) is 10001 steps.
2. Line 19 makes one number and line 20 does another. Two numbers per step.
10001 * 2 == 20002
However, the call of your random() does not produce values "between 0 and 25".
The possible max value is (MODULUS-1)/MODULUS. That is < 1.0.
Then the line 18. On every iteration you do create new, uninitialized variable "seed". Lets say that the platform has a custom to initialize it anyway, with "0". What does that do to the serie of "random" values?