It does not copy the answer

When I run it, it does not copy the answer. Any help? please.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
int x;
cout<<"x: ";
int i=2;
int z=1;
int s=1;
int p=1;
for (i=2;i<=64;i+2)
for (z=1;z<=63;z+2)

cout<<"el resultado es "<<s/p<<endl;

return 0;
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Does it not copy the answer, or does it give the wrong answer?

s is an int.
p is an int.

int/int gives an int.

Here is an example: 3/2 = 1

Here is another example: 5 / 6 = 0

If you need a better answer than that, don't divide int. Divide double.
Now I used 'double' but it does not show the answer.
Your for loops never finish. The first one will finish when i>64, but i never changes.
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It does show anything. I just copy "x:_" but after that, it does not do anything.
i + 2 does not change the i. Perhaps i += 2
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