tic tac toe program

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no one can help me?
Line 5-6: Globals should be avoided.

Line 13: You're declaring a local named chesboard which goes out of scope when the function exists. You should be using the passed parameter (cb).

Line 22: This is going to cause a trap. You;re referencing an out of bounds location. i.e.
  cout << chessboard[3][3];  // Equivalent statement.  Out of bounds reference 

Line 32: You have a redundant term. cb[i][j] appears twice. No harm, but unnecessary.

Line 41: Why are you passing cb, if you insist on using the global chessboard?

Lines 67-85: I don't understand the point of these lines. You've already checked for a winner.
I tried to fix according to your ideas but somehow it still wont work correctly
Without seeing your updated code, I can't tell you what's wrong.

Line 32: Your condition is wrong.
if (i == 0 && i < DIM - 1 && cb[i][j] == 'B' && j == 0 && j < DIM - 1 && cb[i][j] == 'B')

That statement can only ever be true when i and j are 0.
You want:
if (i >= 0 && i < DIM - 1 && cb[i][j] == 'B' && j >= 0 && j < DIM - 1)

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