So it could be problem with implementation or with my logic in general. Code is pretty short and it can not compile. "Operation" takes one function as 3 parameter and return whatever that function does with first 2 parameters.
Thanks in advance.
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template<class T, class F>
class Object {
T Add(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
T Sub(T a, T b) { return a - b; }
T Operation(T a, T b, F f) {
return f(a, b);
int main() {
Object<int, int> o; //I know that my first 2 parameters are integers and that function Add will return int
cout << o.Operation(3, 5, o.Add);
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Object {
template < typename T > T Add(T a, T b) const { return a + b; } // make this a static member?
template < typename T > T Sub(T a, T b) const { return a - b; } // make this a static member?
template < typename T, typename PTR_MEMBER_FN >
T Operation( T a, T b, PTR_MEMBER_FN ptr_member_fn ) {
return (this->*ptr_member_fn)(a, b);
int main() {
Object o;
std::cout << o.Operation( 3, 5, &Object::Add<int> ) << '\n' ;
std::cout << o.Operation( 3.2, 5.4, &Object::Add<double> ) << '\n' ;
usingnamespace std::literals ;
std::cout << o.Operation( "Hello "s, "World"s, &Object::Add<std::string> ) << '\n' ;