First programming language

Hi, I am dead set on learning programming and I heard C++ is a very common language, so I started learning the basics. But, I was told that C++ is very difficult in the mid-late end, so I should learn python first. The thing is, I've finally got the hang of C++ (only basic stuff, like making a console app that adds, multiplies, strings) and I don't want to abandon it. Should I switch to python?

And finally, irrelevant of which I should learn, can you provide some good websites/videos that teach C++/Python in full? I'm very good at grasping ideas, so please don't give me a link to a video/website that assumes I'm a moron ( sorry for crude language)

Thank you!
> I was told that C++ is very difficult in the mid-late end, so I should learn python first.

Python would be easier to learn in the beginning.

By the time you reach late-mid or end, much of the difficulty is unrelated to the specifics of a particular language. Real-world systems tend to be complex; programming languages can't remove that complexity.

> I've finally got the hang of C++ ... and I don't want to abandon it. Should I switch to python?


> good websites/videos that teach C++/Python in full?

If you are new to programming, learn from a good introductory book; for instance this:
'Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition) by Stroustrup.

From the preface:
This book is for someone who has never programmed before but is willing to work hard to learn. ...

This is not the easiest book on beginning programming; it is not meant to be. I just aim for it to be the easiest book from which you can learn the basics of real-world programming. That’s quite an ambitious goal because much modern software relies on techniques considered advanced just a few years ago.
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