Tutorial good for learning?

So after getting some free time, I decided to try and revive my forgotten C++ knowledge. I also tried searching for helpful videos on how to use C++, but all of them are either paid or not very good. I found the new boston, which looks promising, but a lot of people are saying that he teaches bad programming habits, skips some stuff, doesn't tell you WHY some things work the way they do and so on. I also re-discovered ReelLearning, which I used before and I've slightly benefited from it, but people have also somewhat said the same thing about him as well.

So to summarize, after a lot of searching, I came up with nothing and decided to use the tutorial in this site for remembering everything I've forgotten and learning new stuff. So, is the tutorial here actually good for this? Or just for referencing?
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> So, is the tutorial here actually good for this?


> Or just for referencing?


You may find these useful:

Tour: Stroustrup's 'A Tour of C++' (free): https://isocpp.org/tour

Tutorial: Groningen annotations http://www.icce.rug.nl/documents/cplusplus/

Informix C++ Reference Guide (slightly dated): http://www.informit.com/guides/guide.aspx?g=cplusplus
Apache C++ Standard Library User's Guide (dated): https://stdcxx.apache.org/doc/stdlibug/noframes.html
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Thx, I'll check out the first 2
Also I wanted to ask if there are any good books for modern C++? I found a free one from O'Reilly - "Practical C++ Programming", but it was pretty old, I think it was using C++95 or sth. Are there any good books (preferably free) that explain C++11 and 14 from the ground up like this one:


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For an up-to-date book on current C++ you can't go wrong with one written by the guy who created C++:


It is dense, it is not a book to learn programming without any prior exposure. Yet I find new C++ points every time I pick the book up.
Stroustrup's 'A Tour of C++' covers C++11 (in the form of a tour).

Groningen 'C++ Annotations Version 10.5.0' has limited coverage of C++11.

Books (not free):
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd edition) - Stroustrup (C++14)

C++ Primer (5th edition) - Lippman, Lajoie, Moo (C++11)
Hi Friends,
All the links which you have shared are from amazon and are paid books.
Please share some free-e-books which are free and well documented.
I'm not saying that these books can be found for free.
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