I am supposed to make loop in which I count the number of characters of a license plate. I can only display the plates when I press 0. My code just outputs the plates once I type the characters. What do I have to do to make the program right?
Your program is doing exactly what you're telling it to do.
I see no logic in your program having to do with pressing "0".
Your description of what you want your program to do is not clear.
Do you mean that you want to store the plates in an array, then when all the plates have been entered, enter "0" to signal done, then display all the plates?
Please use code tags correctly. Your closing code tag needs to be
And what does this have to do with Visual Basic (mentioned in your title)?
visual basic just shows the system I am using, to let everyone know in case they spot something they are not familiar with. My program is supposed to show how many inputs are entered, not the characters. My instructor helped me solve my error. I was supposed to only output the number of inputs once I pressed 0. And thanks for the advice, I had no idea of how to use the codes. I will next time.