What kind of problems are you having? Compile errors? Run time errors? Not getting the correct result? Please be specific.
Line 15: Your function prototype is incorrect. You've said that diplaySeats() takes a 1D array. It should take a 2D array.
void displaySeats(string[][cols]);
Line 44: This line is correct, but the function prototype for displaySeats() says it takes a 1D array.
Lines 24,26,29,126,128,145,152,186,193,205,212: If you're going to define constants for the number of rows and columns, use the constants. Don't hard code values.
Line 115: Your function signature is incorrect. It must agree with the function prototype.
Line 181: You're trying to pass the seats array, but the seats array is undefined. It's a local variable in main. You need to pass the array to purchaseTickets as an argument.
You're calling displaySeats() with an out of bound reference to a single seat. You need to pass the entire seats array to displaySeats(). You don't need to specify the size of the array here.