windows.h for mac?


I got an error message by including windows.h in xcode.
Is there any other library that has same function as windows.h in xcode?

Thank you for the help in advance
windows.h is for the Windows operating system. If you want to write programs that work on most systems you should use cross-platform libraries.
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Hi Peter87,

I am new to c++ programming.
Could you please tell me how I utilize cross-platform libraries in xcode?

Thank you
I don't know exactly how to do it in xcode (I have never used it). The libraries that you should use depends on what you want to do. I don't think any single library covers all functionality in the WinAPI.
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closed account (48T7M4Gy)
windows.h is the (c++) header file for all functions in the Windows API. Because the API is the interface to the underlying Windows operating system it is of no use with an unmodified Mac.

You could probably write C++ programs using the windows.h files using xCode, but I doubt whether it would compile so it's not the way to go.

There are a few threads around this forum recently that covered suggestions on designing platform independent GUI's. - WxWidgets and others

Apple have Swift et al but that's platform specific to Apple 'stuff' eg, OSX, IOS and favous the use of Objective-C
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