
when I include the library iostream it says that no such file or directory, but <string>, < vector> it contains...what can i do?

So, you say:
#include <vector> // ok
#include <iostream> // preprocessor error 

The compiler that you do use is ...?

A couple thing..

1. Make sure you actually spelled it correctly
2. Make sure you haven't added a .h after it.

If those are not at fault, post what your program looks like, and it may be easier to spot the problem.
yes like that...but now I have realized about one thing...I got anew codelite version and I was doing that on a .c file not .cpp file....on .cpp file it gets any library..but on .c files it just get.h libraries...i guess it's because it was a c file not a c++ file then the standard library wasn't i right?
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