Change the value a pointer points to

Exactly as it says in the title :)

I have a pointer
    size_t* p_i = malloc(sizeof(size_t));

And a size_t variable whose content is changing constantly (as is on a for loop).
    size_t value;

I need to pass the value that the pointer points to to a function that takes void*
    *p_i = value;
    my_function = (stack, (void*)p_i);

Is this the right way to do it? If not, how should I do it?
Yes, that's the idea. It's not necessary to cast p_i to void * in the argument list.
A function that accepts void * argument will accept a pointer of any type.

BTW, a function call has no = sign in it.

   my_function (stack, p_i);

However, there's no need to even allocate a pointer for this. You can simply pass the address of value.

   my_function (stack, &value);  // Address of value is a pointer 

edit: Just saw your other thread and now understand why you're allocating an object of size_t, so disregard the last comment about not needing dynamic allocation.
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