Sep 13, 2015 at 10:40am UTC
I try to register ctrl+click key and ctrl+numkeys.
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void OnWM_Create(HWND window, CREATESTRUCT * cs)
int i;
RegisterHotKey(window,1, MOD_CONTROL | MOD_NOREPEAT, VK_LBUTTON );
for ( i = 48; i<58; i++ )
RegisterHotKey(window,i, MOD_CONTROL | MOD_NOREPEAT, i );
LRESULT CALLBACK MapWndProc(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LRESULT ret = 0;
int i;
switch (msg)
ret = 0;
OnWM_Create(window, (CREATESTRUCT*)lParam);
break ;
data.ctrlPressed = true ;
break ;
// New feature: map selection
it never passes throuth the case WM_CREATE: ... but I can pass case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:.
How to solve this?
Last edited on Sep 13, 2015 at 12:35pm UTC
Sep 13, 2015 at 1:09pm UTC
Thank you, but the message WM_INITDIALOG is never processed. I can run the function from
I believe that is it not important in which part of the code I run the function, but it must be after the window has been created, and it was.
I have found that
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bool res;
res = RegisterHotKey(window,1, MOD_CONTROL | MOD_NOREPEAT, VK_LBUTTON );
DWORD dw = GetLastError();
result is false, getlasterror returns error code 1008
1008 (0x3F0)
An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist
Last edited on Sep 13, 2015 at 1:12pm UTC
Sep 13, 2015 at 2:49pm UTC
My mistake, the code is
1004 (0x3EC)
Invalid flags.
Reason found:
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
I have XP
Last edited on Sep 13, 2015 at 2:57pm UTC