connection between two DLL libraries

I have small problem with static linking DLL library. Exactly I have two library. In first it's some function "Func1". In second library I have function "funcX" this function has to use "Func1". So, I using static linking, this same way how linking library to *.exe program.
compilation is break by error: "Func1" was not declared in this scope.
Is it possible STATIC LINKING some library to other libraries? How do it?

And sorry for my bad english.
"Func1" was not declared in this scope.

That is a compile error. You're not even getting to the link step.

Do you have a function prototype for Func1 visible within the second .cpp (Funcx) file?

Yes it's compile error. It looks like the compiler doesn't see Func1, although I include header file from first library to second. When I use first library in regular application in this same way, that everything is OK. When I will be on second PC I paste code. Maybe then you can see my mistake.


I solved my issue. I forgot write macro "DLL_EXPORT" between type and name of function in first library.

Thanks for you interest.
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