Is there syntax dictionary I can refer to?

I am reading C++ tutorial and I just don't see how getline(sth1, sth2) works.
or how sth.sth() like cin.getline is different with just cin or getline.

So I think there may be C++ syntax dictionary as C++ tutorial exists here. if you know any, please tell me. it will be a great help to me.

Thanks !
There's a link to the Reference in the upper left.
At the top there's a Search: box where you can type "getline" and get help.

getline() is a function like any other, taking two arguments by reference: an istream and a string.
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thank you both!
There is more than one "getline" function.

The one that accepts std::string parameter (link in Duoas' post) is a standalone function (that is a logical part of strings interface).

Then there is the "istream::getline". A member function of the istream class. The cin is an istream object.

(Documentation of one does have a link to the other.)
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