Pseudo code?

Hi guys truly appreciate if anyone could help with pseudo code. I have completed writing the program code for this question and its working fine but how do I write a proper pseudo code in English? I know its wrong to write the program code first but I have no idea how to start with pseudo code. Could someone please give some guidance on it?

BC Telcos has tasked you write a program to calculate the long distance call cost to Bangladesh. The cost to Bangladesh is 2.5ยข per minute. As one of the promotions to encourage more talk time to Bangladesh, it introduces the following discount plan:
Total number of mins
Discount Rate
More than 60 mins
5 %
Between 30 to 60 mins inclusive
2 %
Between 15 to 29 mins inclusive
1 %
Table 1(c)
Write a program that prompts the user to enter the total number of minutes, computes the gross and net cost of the call using the discount rate shown in Table 1(c). The process repeats and terminates when it encounters the sentinel value of 0. The display of the cost is with 2 decimal places. See sample output screen.

Output screen:
Enter your talk time: 30
Gross cost is $0.75, Net cost is $0.73
Enter your talk time: 60
Gross cost is $1.50, Net cost is $1.47
Enter your talk time: 100
Gross cost is $2.50, Net cost is $2.38
Enter your talk time: 12
No discount, the gross and net cost are the same : $0.30
Enter your talk time: 0
Thank you and good bye...
Press any key to continue...

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There is no single correct way to write pseudocode. The amount of details that you put in is up to you and depends on what is relevant for what you are trying to show. The benefit is that you can write out how something work and leave out the exact implementation details. It makes the description general and useful to programmers no matter what programming languages they know.
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