Visual Studios

I would like to create a GUI for my Windows application. I heard that one of the Visual Studio programs has some very nice tools to design GUI.
Could someone tell me which version of Visual Studio is it? There are just too many.
All versions of Visual Studio come with a resource/gui editor. Hence there's nothing wrong with using the latest.

There are two versions: MFC and .NET.

MFC: It seems that they more or less abandon it (There is no project for it in Visual Studio Express 2013)

.NET: It requires CLR which is not real C++
I don't know if this helps but I've just found this:

As I mentioned at the start of this post, today we introduced a new free edition of Visual Studio: Visual Studio Community 2013. Built off of the Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 release, VS Community enables you to develop everything from Windows Forms and WPF and MFC to Windows Phone and Store to Azure and ASP.NET – it’s basically a superset of the existing VS Express products.

I think i'll be having a play with the community edition when I get chance.
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I'm a little confused right now. Should I use VS Community 2015 or 2013? What program do you use for GUI?

I tried using CodeBlocks with wxWidgets but I ran into some problems and wxWidgets support are not sure how to fix them.
I'd try 2015.
I don't do any GUI stuff in c++ anymore, but I used to use MFC.
> Should I use VS Community 2015 or 2013?

VS Community 2015.

Its most attractive feature being excellent support for standard C++ - both the language and the standard library. (Yes, non-conforming two-phase lookup sticks out like a sore thumb, but STL has promised that this will be corrected through a future product update.)

Note: With Community 2015, the MFC library is not included in the default install; choose custom install and explicitly select Microsoft Foundation Classes.
You may also consider QT.
@coder777 I'm looking for free software.

Thank you for the answers, I will try Community 2015.
QT is free. It has a commercial version which lifts some restriction imposed in license, but for non-commercial, open-source use it is free.
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