my .exe doesnt work

when I run my program in the compiler it works without a problem but when I try to run the .exe file it just goes into "not responding" and then stops altogether. The compiler I use is visual studio express 2012 for windows desktop

I know that some of it runs because it outputs a variable at the beginning of the main function

I think it is because of allegro but I don't know for sure

I've looked it up but the problems described on the forums weren't my problem

video example :

link to code :

[not sure which part I should post]

code too long to include

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You need to make sure to handle the file paths correctly. Relative paths will be looked for in the current working directory of your program. When you double click on the executable file the working directory will be set to the directory where the executable file is located. When you run the program from an IDE the working directory is usually set differently (probably to the project folder).
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