I have this PartsList class from the book I'm currently learning.
For understanding context: the PartsList consists of PartNodes.
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class PartsList
(some stuff)
static PartsList& GetGlobalPartsList() { return GlobalPartsList; }
PartNode * pHead;
int itsCount;
static PartsList GlobalPartsList;
PartsList PartsList::GlobalPartsList; // ?
PartsList::PartsList():pHead(0), itsCount(0) {} // default constr. implementation + init
PartsList::~PartsList() { delete pHead; } // destr. implementation
What is
PartsList PartsList::GlobalPartsList;
It's accessing private GlobalPartsList member and then - doing nothing with it, it seems to me ?
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It is a definition of static variable declared inside your class. In your case it is created using default constructor.
Thank you both. That link is a spot on example, got it.
(Actually I've learned this about static members already but forgotten again, arrrrg. So much to learn and keep in mind :))