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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
namespace detail
struct bigger_value
template < typename T >
T operator() ( const T& a, const T& b ) const { return a > b ? a : b ; }
struct bigger_size
template < typename T >
T operator() ( const T& a, const T& b ) const { return a.size() > b.size() ? a : b ; }
namespace A // implementor (and not the user) specifies the resolve policy
// resolve policy is an encapsulated implementation detail
template < typename T > class myclass {
T a, b;
static std::string bigger( const std::string& a, const std::string& b ) { // overload for strings
return detail::bigger_size()(a,b) ; }
template < typename U > static U bigger( const U& a, const U& b ) { // overload for other types
return detail::bigger_value()(a,b) ; ; }
myclass( const T& x, const T& y ) : a(x), b(y) {}
T resolve() const { return bigger(a,b) ; }
namespace B // policy parameterisation: the user can specify the resolve policy,
// once, right at the beginning, when the type is specified
template < typename T, typename BIGGER = detail::bigger_value > class myclass {
T a, b;
BIGGER bigger ; // make a copy; the policy object can have state
// accept a policy object; it need not be default-constructible
myclass( const T& x, const T& y, const BIGGER& cmp = BIGGER() ) : a(x), b(y), bigger(cmp) {}
T resolve() const { return bigger(a,b) ; }
namespace C // the user can specify the resolve policy, each time resolve is to be called
template < typename T > class myclass {
T a, b;
myclass( const T& x, const T& y ) : a(x), b(y) {}
T resolve() const { return std::max(a,b) ; }
template < typename BIGGER > T resolve( const BIGGER& bigger = BIGGER() ) const {
return bigger(a,b) ; }
#define RESOLVE(a) ( std::cout << #a << ".resolve(): " << (a).resolve() << "\n\n" )
int main(){
RESOLVE( A::myclass<int>(30,25) ) ;
RESOLVE( A::myclass<std::string>( "malaga", "jaennnn" ) ) ;
std::cout << "-------------------------\n\n" ;
RESOLVE( B::myclass<int>(30,25) ) ;
RESOLVE( B::myclass<std::string>( "malaga", "jaennnn" ) ) ;
RESOLVE( ( B::myclass< std::string, detail::bigger_size >( "malaga", "jaennnn" ) ) ) ;
std::cout << "-------------------------\n\n" ;
RESOLVE( C::myclass<int>(30,25) ) ;
std::cout << "C::myclass<int>(30,25).resolve( [] ( int a, int b ) { return a%10 > b%10 ? a : b ; } ): "
<< C::myclass<int>(30,25).resolve( [] ( int a, int b ) { return a%10 > b%10 ? a : b ; } ) << "\n\n" ;
C::myclass<std::string> mc( "malaga", "jaennnn" );
std::cout << "mc.resolve<detail::bigger_size>(): " << mc.resolve<detail::bigger_size>() << "\n\n" ;
std::cout << "mc.resolve( detail::bigger_size() ): " << mc.resolve( detail::bigger_size() ) << "\n\n" ;