Correct way to get a random number from enum in C?
Correct way to get a random number from enum in C?
enum Resource {ROCK= 1, PAPER = 2, SCISSORS= 4};
Given this how can I generate a random number in another function
for example shall I write something like this
enum Resource r = [(random() % 3)];
is this the correct way to get random resource?
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It's easiest if all enum values are sequential and start from 0.
enum Resource {ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS};
Then you can just do
enum Resource r = (rand() % 3);
In this case there is an easy trick to define a constant that contains the number of values in the enum by just putting it last in the list.
enum Resource r = (rand() % RESOURCE_COUNT);
If the values are non-sequential, like in your example, it's probably best to use a switch or an array to map the random number to an enum value.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
enum Resource randomResource()
static enum Resource map[] =
return map[rand() % (sizeof(map) / sizeof(map[0]))]
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