Console trouble

I have a program that worked, however I made a modification but the program stops long before reaching the modified portion of the program.

I suspect it has something to do with the iostream or console because the spot where the program stops is always after one of the first few questions but not always the same one. Additionally, I added callouts after each cin statement and the program once it stops after an input, doesn't reach the respective callout which is literally the next line of code. So basically I input a number, press enter, the console puts the cursor on the next line but becomes unresponsive.

Anyone know what might cause this problem? Something for me to investigate?
An infinite loop perhaps, but it's hard to say without seeing the code.
I'm on a phone so I can't post the code right now, but I can say that it isn't a loop in my code, as it is always right after a cin statement and before the following line of a cout statement. It never even gets to a function with a loop.

It also changes which cin statement it stops after each time, which is inconsistant, hence my wondering if it is something to do with the iostream or console.
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