class base {
std::vector<double> value;
base():value(3, 0) {}
virtual ~base()=default;
and then I find I need a derived class, and this derived class is nothing different from base except the dimension of the vector value is not 3 but 6, like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
class derived:public base {
derived():value(6, 0) {}//Option 1: I believe this is not possible to go through
derived():base() {//Option 2: how about this?
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
virtual ~base()=default;
is option 2 possible?
How would you design a hierachy to accomplish this? Thanks.
do you think
I guess I need the hierarchy, I thought it twice, the member function is a little different. Suppose I do need the hierarchy, is my method of expanding it through push_back() a good way? Is there any better way to do this?
I searched web about your method of protected constructor, it is said it is used for abstract class. I don't want my base member objects to be initialized, that is true. But I have some real-working functions in the base class. Does this still count as an "abstract class"?
Is it necessary to have a constructor like base() : values(3) {} in an abstract class?
> I searched web about your method of protected constructor, it is said it is used for abstract class.
It can be used for any class - abstract or not - that is designed to be inherited from. It is a constructor that can be used only by derived class authors.
> But I have some real-working functions in the base class. Does this still count as an "abstract class"?